Monday, April 30, 2007

Spider Man

Last Saturday, channel 9 broadcast the movie Spider Man I. Peter is a normal high school boy, he loves a girl in his class. One day Peter was bitten by a spider, after that he found he had the power of spiders, but he didn't know how to use it. After his uncle was killed, he realised that he had great powers and he should have great responsibility. He used his power to protect people, soon he became a hero. His best friend's father drank some liqueur then became an evil person, he killed people and wanted to kill spider man, but spider man fought against him.

The movie uses a lot of stunts and action, children like the hero , so it is a nice movie for family.

1 comment:

rosa ochoa said...

Do you like action movies? I prefer dramas or romantic comedies, and in general I love foreign films.

Do you mind watching movies with subtitles?